In biblical language the heart is in the center of our bodies and represents where desire originates deep within us. In this narrative, God points to the heart where the problems start. It says: “The intentions of the thoughts of the heart were only evil always.” The heart is one of the most frequently referenced topics in the Bible, with over 800 references. The samplings below show how critical the heart is in God’s design for humankind.
A theme repeated throughout this book is that being an effective leader requires being a student of desire. Deep down, what is it you want? Those around you want?
After decades of observing my behavior and that of others and studying biblical principles, I believe God has given us powerful desire in three broad areas. They are all good and necessary to have dominion, but they are so strong that we often lose control and use them for purposes beyond the designer’s intent.
The ability to make the things we want to happen. Skill, wealth, authority, strength, connections, and influence are all examples of power.
It is broader than sex. It includes family, belonging, and community. We all know how strong this desire can be.
Knowing who I am, why I am here, and where I came from. This is necessary to determine our purpose. Without purpose we cannot overcome chaos. This desire exists to lead us into a relationship with the Creator.
The problem with the word desire is that it is not strong enough. These drives go beyond wants; they are “needs” built into our design. They shape our lives and have expression in what we do in ways and times we don’t expect.
For example, have you ever noticed a grandmother’s passion for preparing Thanksgiving dinner? This is a supreme example of bringing order out of chaos, and you better not get in her way. Think of the passion of a father protecting a child, a musician performing, or a gardener gardening. We know immediately when we see someone “on a mission.”
You will be a better leader if you understand the power and presence of desire in everyone you interact with. Engaging the hearts and minds of those around you depends on helping people fulfill these needs. This applies to all of life, not just paid employment.
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