Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Kingdom Impact Business?

    A Kingdom Impact Business in one where the owner operates the business as a stewardship to God. 

    God requires high quality products, fair profit, and for people to be treated with love and care in the hopes that some will be interested in learning about what only Jesus can do.   

  • Why build a Kingdom Impact Business?

    According to the Bible, work is holy. Work allows us to express our abilities, provide for our families, and work with others for good purposes. 

    The ultimate kingdom impact is to love God by loving people and encouraging them to grow in an eternal relationship with God.  

  • What do you mean by what ‘only Jesus can do’?

    As Christians, we are called by Jesus to love our neighbors, care for them, and provide food, clothes, and other basic needs. Jesus, however, can do things that no one else can. 

    Through His death and resurrection, he can fix our internal brokenness, our inability to please God, and give us a new kind of eternal life. 

  • What does LeadFirst do to help build a Kingdom Impact Business?

    A healthy business grows, and growth brings more people and tougher ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. 

    LeadFirst ERM gives leaders tools to care for the business and people at the same time. Leaders must blend both types of skills. 

    Our platform integrates a leadership development system, operating system, people caring system, and business intelligence system optimized to support kingdom impact organizations. 

  • What is whole-business, whole-person health?

    Humans are designed with a body, soul, and spirit. Workers also spend more than two-thirds of their life outside of work. Whole-person health should recognize that people have internal, unseen needs at the soul and spirit level. 

    Whole person care needs to recognize that people have interests outside of work. The biblical idea is to treat every person as someone created in the image of God and, therefore, worthy of respect and care. 

  • What about people who have a different faith?

    People differ widely in their beliefs. The only thing we can agree on is that we are all truth seekers. The life Jesus modeled was to be true to His beliefs AND be clear about what He believed. He never forced others to believe or follow Him. He loved people and invited them to follow them. 

    In the United States, recent polls indicate that about 70% of the population believes a creator exists. The bottom line is that Christian owners should follow Jesus' example. Love people, offer the gospel to those interested, never coerced. 

  • What is the biggest challenge in Kingdom Building?

    Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. What He meant is that there are two sets of principles governing creation, the physical realm in which we live and the spiritual realm that is not governed by the laws of physics.  

    Building God's kingdom is impossible without the Spirit of God guiding the owner. God must call the owner into business stewardship. Nothing less will work. 

  • Where do I start?

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