Transformation is a topic that fascinates us, whether personal or organizational change. Recently, I was reminded of the significance of this topic when I met a young woman who had just been released from prison. Drugs and the harsh realities of the world around her had consumed her life. She was shaped by her surroundings, but her time in prison led to a chance encounter that would change her life forever.
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself"
Mark 12:31
A group of people reached out to her and established a relationship, showing her the love and kindness that the Bible calls for us to show to our neighbors. They spent time with her and introduced her to a new way of thinking, explaining that there were other options in life. As we spoke, she smiled and cried, reflecting on how she was changing from being shaped by the world to being transformed from the inside out.
“And be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”
Romans 12:2
This transformational concept is reflected in the book of Romans, which it says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." It's about changing the way you think and moving away from being shaped by the world's expectations to becoming your force for change.
The gospel of Jesus Christ offers this idea that the life of God can come inside of us and change our future and destiny. When we renew our minds and understand that we are created in the image of God and loved by Him, we can forgive our past and become a force that changes the world.
The power of transformation is that it compounds, and it changes not only us but those around us as well. It changes who we marry, our children, our family life, and even our grandchildren. It's a transformative force that takes place inside of us through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is hope for everyone to break the hold that the past has on us and shape the world around us instead of being shaped by it. The power of transformation is real, and it all starts with renewing your mind and believing in a better future.
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