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Leaders Should Read the Bible Even If They Don’t Believe It

Gary Harpst • Mar 21, 2023

There are three reasons why leaders should read the Bible — even if they don't believe it.

  1. 69% of Americans believe the bible is true with 49% saying it is inspired by God but should not necessarily be taken literally. You can lead and manage more effectively if you have an understanding of what forms the 69%’s world view and affects their. values. https://bit.ly/3n8EZHN
  2. the Bible offers theories of human architecture, motivation, needs and weaknesses that you may not have considered. You come to understand your own world view better when you compare it to others.
  3. the Bible has a unique definition of what leadership is and implies that it is one of the most important attributes of every human, i.e., the ability to form and choose purpose and act upon it. The Bible the leader’s role in civilization.

This idea applies to all world views.

Christians should be reading about other faiths, not to be converted but to learn. The principle being advocated is that we should dig more deeply and try to understand each other’s beliefs rather than silence or intimidate.

If we can agree that we are all on a path of seeking the truth, maybe we will find it faster. What have we got to lose, what we are doing now isn’t working. 

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