As a Christian CEO, I have spent over four decades building businesses, making mistakes, and learning what it means to be true to my faith during the journey.
I learned along the way that with growth comes chaos. You probably feel it too.
I'm here to show you what effective leaders need to know, do, and be to overcome the chaos of everyday life.
Under Gary’s leadership from 1980 through 2000, Solomon Software grew to more than 400 employees, servicing over 40,000 clients worldwide, was merged with Great Plains Software and sold to Microsoft in 2001.
After successfully starting, scaling, and exiting Solomon Software, Gary set out to change the way people think about leadership and organizational health by founding Six Disciplines, which evolved into LeadFirst, the first ERM™ platform for faith-driven organizations.
Gary is a keynote speaker and insightful teacher who challenges and motivates his audiences.
His passion is speaking about what effective leaders need to know, do, and be to overcome the chaos of everyday life. He unlocks biblical wisdom for unleashing the potential in every human being to lead themselves and others.
Gary is recognized as being one of the Top 100 of the nation's top thought leaders in management and leadership by Leadership Excellence magazine.
Because of his expertise, Gary is also interviewed and quoted by national and local media for newspaper and magazine articles, as well as for podcasts, radio, and TV interviews.
Today’s leaders are well acquainted with chaos. While most businesses (hopefully) enjoy times of success and smooth sailing, we also face periods of disruption, upheaval, discord, and extreme stress. We may be tempted to approach these chaos cycles by putting our head down and waiting for the storm to pass. But Gary Harpst has an encouraging message: We are not created to be victims of chaos, but to harness it for our own purposes.
Gary delivers an insightful and practical discussion of how to transform chaos into order by relying on strategies drawn directly from the Bible. You’ll learn how to find fulfillment and success by leaning into your innate ability to calm the madness and control chaos by:
People often do inexplicable things both great and sometimes disruptive. As leaders, we are more effective when we understand human purpose and design. The Bible has clear and somewhat surprising insights about why people do what they do and give leaders a framework for engaging hearts and minds.
In this session, participants will take away:
As we think about individuals, we often use an “or” model. People are detail OR big picture oriented. Most individuals are energized by tasks OR relating to people. Of course leaders must recognize that individuals are different and learn how to leverage those differences. But organizations as a whole must be effective at the big picture AND the details. It must be good at executing tasks AND relating to people.
In this session, Gary makes the case that effective organizations must master both the process dimension of excellence and the people dimension of engagement. Of these two, he challenges leaders to lay the foundation of a people-first mindset upon which process excellence is built.
Participants will take away:
People want to win. More accurately, the Bible says they need to win. That is what we all are created for. This need drives us to things that seem almost impossible. We don’t have to think long to identify jaw dropping healthcare that saves an infant’s life that was born with heart defects, or a breathtaking musical performance or athletic feat. We are swimming in human achievement.
But the brutal facts are that once something is built like a home or especially a business it takes more energy and effort to sustain its existence than it did to create it. Most of us as builders are simply not prepared for that. Leaders have to confront themselves with the realization that their role is not just to bring order out of chaos, but to maintain order as people and products come and go – as organizations and the world around them changes.
In this session, participants will take away:
What the three types of chaos are.
What it takes to create order
Why order it is more difficult to keep than establish it.
Five deceptions that are barriers to keeping order.
What the fitness industry teaches us about how to maintain order.
The Bible says the study of the universe reveals truth about God (and since we are created in His image something about ourselves as well). One peculiar truth is that the whole universe is made up 98% of two simple atoms – hydrogen and helium. And yet from those two atoms galaxies, human beings, flowers, animals, trees all have been created. This teaches us something important about leadership. Creating things is not as much about the raw materials used but the wisdom to integrate them in unique ways.
A primary role of leaders is to integrate people around a shared purpose. But when God did His amazing integration work, He used the laws of physics to bind atoms together in different ways. Leaders however are challenged to bind people together who do not obey the laws of physics. This is the essence of the challenge of leadership and why it is the most meaningful work in the world.
In this session, participants will learn:
Gary's mission is to help people find and fulfill God-given purpose at work. His company LeadFirst is innovating to provide the first ERM™ (employee relationship management system) that equips leaders to care for their business and for people at the same time. His passion is to come alongside faith-driven business owners and help them use their business as a kingdom building platform, making an eternal difference in the lives of people.
Gary speaks, interviews, teaches, and writes frequently on leadership, business, and the integration of faith at work. He has written three books:
Six Disciplines for Excellence, Execution Revolution,
and Built to Beat Chaos (Wiley).
In his latest book, Built to Beat Chaos, Gary reveals how timeless, biblical insights can help you overcome organizational chaos.
Wiley published Gary’s latest book, “Built to Beat Chaos, Biblical Wisdom for Leading Yourself and Others,” in April 2023. The message of this book is that leadership is the most challenging and essential work for humanity to fulfill its purpose. It lays a framework for what effective leaders need to know, do, and be.
Following several years of working for the Ohio State University and Marathon Oil, Gary co-founded and became CEO of Solomon Software, originally named “TLB, Inc.” (The Lord’s Business) headquartered in Findlay, Ohio. Under Gary’s leadership from 1980 through 2000, Solomon Software grew to more than 400 employees, servicing over 40,000 clients worldwide, and was sold to Great Plains Software in 2000.
Microsoft acquired the combined Great Plains and Solomon organizations in 2001, and located a software development and support campus in Findlay, Ohio until 2004. When Microsoft consolidated their development locations, Gary founded a new organization with these resources and established Solomon Cloud Solutions, a software engineering service firm for Microsoft Independent Software Vendors (ISV) and Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) Channel Partners. In 2001 Gary founded Six Disciplines (now to develop leadership systems to make leaders more effective.
In Built to Beat Chaos, Gary reveals how timeless, biblical insights can help you overcome organizational chaos.
Over 47% of leaders say that chaos is pervasive in their organizations. Though disorder can feel overwhelming at times, human beings are actually designed to overcome and conquer chaos. An invaluable roadmap for board members, executives, managers, pastors, and other organizational leaders, Built to Beat Chaos is the straightforward, practical, and biblically grounded business manual that every leader should read.
THE NEW YORK TIMES AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER With all of the pressures successful business leaders have today, none is more urgent or challenging than learning the ability to execute strategy.
While larger businesses have the luxury of budgets and resources to meet this challenge, it’s the small and midsized businesses that now have a tremendous opportunity to level the playing field, leapfrog the expensive, outdated approaches of the past, and attack the challenge of execution in a revolutionary way.
Six Disciplines Leadership Centers are dedicated to helping small businesses achieve and sustain success.
Six Disciplines for Excellence provides six fundamental business principles that are specifically designed to help small businesses move beyond momentary success to attain enduring excellence.
This book is not for those who are looking for a quick fix. Six Disciplines for Excellence is a long-term fitness program, not a fad diet.
Send Gary a message to invite to your podcast, speak at an event, or just ask a question!
Kingdom ERM is the complete
Employee Relationship Management System that organizes employee care like CRMs organize customer care.
1219 West Main Cross
Suite 205
Findlay, Ohio 45840
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